Wednesday, 18 December 2013

December Haul

If a company or individual goes to all the trouble of making a polish then I feel it's my right - nay, my duty - to buy that polish.  Since I'm not one to shirk my responsibilities, this keeps happening...

I was so excited when these dropped through the door. I ordered them from a Canadian website and wasn't expecting them to arrive too quickly.  The first four, all by KBShimmer, are Clown Puke, Candy Cane Crush, Watercolor and Sand In My Stocking.

The next four are Jindie Nails Taste Like Snozberries, Happy Hands Tropical Storm, Cirque Electric Circus and Cirque Kaleidoscope.

And with that I leave to make some swatch sticks for these.  I've actually used the Candy Cane Crush already as you can see but really I don't like the way this came out.  I first tried using the pinks on their own but the pales ones seemed to need so many coats in was unreal.  I tried using a coat of white first and that was quite a bit better but I think maybe I picked the wrong combination of colours.

Shhh... More polish arrived today.

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